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Dream, Do and Repeat: Letting the Path Unfold as You Walk It

Recently, I found myself in a familiar yet strange situation—like a déjà vu. It’s something most creative minds experience—the restless urge to create, reinvent, and challenge the norm. This feeling took me back to a time before The Saree Sneakers was born, to a different path I once believed was the path. A venture that brought me joy and satisfaction but didn’t take off as I had hoped.

Sometimes, I wonder—was it ahead of its time? Or did I simply not understand trade back then?

Looking back, though, I see more than just a project that didn’t make it. I see beautiful memories, invaluable lessons, and core skills that became part of my foundation. The beauty of untold stories, school projects, college experiments, and even ventures that didn’t go as planned is that they are all stepping stones. Each creation, whether good, bad, or forgotten, is a step upward.

When we create, we don’t always know what to make of it—will it be great, mediocre, or a complete rot? It’s only when it meets the world, people react, words are spoken, that we truly understand its impact.

So if you ever find yourself in such a moment, wondering if your efforts are worth it, remember this—what you are building today is a step toward tomorrow. Every experience, every lesson, every attempt is shaping the path ahead. Keep going. The dots will connect in ways you never imagined.

Today, I stand at the edge again. I want to share glimpses of my past—the stepping stones that led me to the path I walk today.



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